We have provided a list of answers to the questions that we frequently receive. Review them first, and if you still can't find the answer complete the contact form and someone will get back to you within three or four days. Please keep in mind, most of us are busy with dog activities and full-time jobs daily, so we are not always able to respond immediately.
We meet on the second Wednesday's of each month, so feel free to join us for one of our meetings and perhaps we can encourage you to join our organization (see our meetings page for more detailed information). Thanks for your interest.
Becoming a Member-
I'm interested in becoming a member. What steps do I need to take? Is there any paper work that needs to be filled out and what are the dues? Thanks in advance for your response!
We are pleased you are interested in Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club . The process for becoming a member is very simple: first you need to attend two of our monthly meetings( please be sure to check our webpage for the site). At the first meeting you will need to complete a membership application and submit it with $10 (dues for the year), we will ask you to tell us about yourself, your experience with dogs and the dogs and breeds you have owned. At the second meeting you will again be called upon to introduce yourself and tell about your dogs. During the second meeting the membership will cast a vote to accept your membership application and grant your membership. The dues are $10.00 a year and due by January 1st of each year. You may also go on line and print off a membership application, complete it and bring it to your first meeting. Website: www.smkc.biz. We look forward to meeting you in the near future.